Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fun Party Game!

Separate your party guests into two halfs... and just to make it easier, split them up by religion. All the Protestants go to one side of the house, all the Catholics go to the other side of the house.

Now, give the Protestants all of the food and all of the drink for the party. They have to divvy it up amongst themselves and hand out only what they want to give to the Catholics. See how much you can keep in your possession without starting a massive revolt!

Catholics, it's your job to keep things interesting. But ultimately the one thing you can't have is the Protestants running the party like the bunch of pigs that they are. So show them what's up. Take any means necessary to make sure that the party is given back to you. You were the one's who started the party! So shouldn't this party belong to you!

This should go on until an agreement can be made that all the bickering and pride be handled by way of voting and terrorism.

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